What is the Abortion Pill?

What is the abortion pill?

The abortion pill sounds very simple doesn’t it? Take a pill, and your unplanned pregnancy is gone. So, is it really that easy? How does the abortion pill actually work? What are the risks and side effects?

Do I Really Need an Ultrasound Before an Abortion?

Do I really need an ultrasound before an abortion?

If you are pregnant unexpectedly (or think you might be), it’s time to think about what you’re going to do. So, why should you get an ultrasound before you make a decision? Is it really *that* important?

I Missed a Period. What Now?

First of all, don’t panic. If you missed a period, it is easy to assume that you are pregnant. That may be the case, but a missed period is not the only sign of pregnancy.

Will insurance pay for abortion?

If you are considering abortion, you may be wondering about the cost and whether or not you can afford it. We know there is a lot to consider, and navigating the world of insurance can be confusing with regards to coverage for abortion. We know this is a very stressful time for you and that finances may be tight already.