You are an important part of the decision-making process, and we understand that you may be just as nervous as she is right now. That’s okay.
We’re here for you too, and we encourage you to attend the confirmation of pregnancy appointment with her.
There are three options for this pregnancy: parenting your child, placing your child for adoption, and ending the pregnancy through abortion. There is no easy choice. As with any big decision, it’s important to get the facts so you can be part of making an informed and healthy decision about how to move forward.
Legally, the decision is hers to make, but we want you to know that you matter in this decision too. The more you know, the better you are able to support her. Encouraging her to slow down, confirming her pregnancy, and educating yourselves on all of her options are the first steps to offering her real support.
Learn more about pregnancy options below:
Although we don’t perform or refer for abortions, we welcome you to attend her appointment with her and our trained and certified medical team will be able to discuss what abortion procedures are available to her based on how far along she is as determined by her ultrasound.
Our patients always receive open and honest answers to their questions, and, while ultimately the choice is hers, your presence and willingness to show up and be with her for the decision-making process may make a huge difference.
Our first priority is her health and well-being. Your understanding of the different types of abortion procedures as well as the risks and possible side effects (both physical and emotional) is vital to supporting her in making an informed and healthy choice. This is a big decision for both of you. As with any medical procedure it is important to understand what to expect and we are here to answer any questions you and your partner may have.
NOTE: The United States Supreme Court makes it clear that an abortion decision by any woman—even a minor—must be her decision; that it must be voluntary and non-coerced. No one can legally force her to have an abortion. (Source)
This information is intended for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional counseling and/or medical advice.
You may have never thought much about adoption or taken the time to understand it fully, but, when you are facing an unexpected pregnancy, you have a big decision to make. Finding help to better understand adoption could be beneficial for both of you.
Deciding to continue a pregnancy and bring a child into the world is a difficult choice for anyone who finds themselves facing an unexpected pregnancy. It may look impossible to both of you. It may even feel hopeless. One or both of you may not be ready to parent, and you may even feel that abortion is the only option.
A Woman’s Concern is not an adoption agency, but we are here to help get you both the information you need about the adoption process and what that option could look like for you. We believe that we can only ever make good decisions when we are empowered with knowledge of the facts. You both deserve to take the time to educate yourselves to get all the help and support you need as you consider your options.
We’re available speak to you about adoption, and—if this an option the two of you may want to consider—we can connect you with the right people to answer your adoption-related questions.
The legal process of adoption empowers expectant parents considering adoption to lead the plan. Expectant parents considering this option may choose to select the family who will adopt their child—where they live, how many kids are already in the family, their religious background, economic level, and more—whatever is important to them. They may also decide what level of contact they would like to maintain with their child after the adoption is finalized.
The idea of raising a child may feel overwhelming, especially if the pregnancy was unexpected. You may be facing concerns like:
Slow down, breathe, and give yourself time to sort through your thoughts and emotions so that you can make a good decision for yourself and your family. Remember, you are not alone.
You don’t have to have all the answers right now. Our advocates can help you sort through some of your questions and concerns and help you find resources in the community to meet the challenges you may have.
Along with our community partners, we have an education and support program designed specifically to help people in your situation to manage concerns like these and prepare for a successful future.
It’s completely natural to have mixed emotions right now. Talking with someone you can trust may help you to deal with how you are feeling.
We offer educational and support programs tailored for the unique needs of fathers.
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