A Woman's Concern

Your Options


Deciding to continue a pregnancy and bring a child into the world is a difficult choice for anyone who finds themself unexpectedly pregnant. It may look impossible to you. It may even feel hopeless. You may not be ready to parent and even though you don’t want to, you may feel like abortion is the only option for your unplanned pregnancy.

woman facing a complicated mazeA Woman’s Concern is not an adoption agency but we are here to help get you the information you need about each one of your options. We believe that we can only ever make good decisions when we are empowered with knowledge and truth about the facts. You deserve to take the time to educate yourself to get all the help and support you need.

You’ve likely never thought much about adoption or taken the time to understand it fully. Maybe you’ve never believed it is something you would ever consider. But if you are facing an unexpected pregnancy you have a big decision to make and finding help to better understand adoption could be beneficial for you.

Your Advocate will speak to you about this option and can arrange to connect you with the right people in the community to help you answer some of the questions you might have about adoption if this is an option you might want to consider.

About Adoption

The legal process of adoption empowers expectant mothers considering adoption to lead the plan. An expectant mother considering this option may choose to select the family who will adopt her child—where they live, how many kids are already in the family, their religious background, economic level, and more—whatever is important to her. She may also decide what level of contact she would like to maintain with her child after the adoption is finalized.

More questions? Check out these resources

The choice is yours.

It’s a big decision, and you deserve to have all the information you need to make an informed decision about your pregnancy. It is okay to ask questions and take whatever time you may need to fully understand adoption. You are welcome to bring a support person with you to your confirmation of pregnancy appointment to receive critical information also.

Only you can make the decision, but you don’t have to make it alone.

This information is intended for education purposes and is not a substitute for professional counseling and/or medical advice.

If you have any questions, call us today, and we will do our best to answer those questions and support you every step of the way. No matter what you decide, we’re here for you.

Call 717-394-1561 (option 1) to schedule your confidential appointment today.