Sex Ed has to be more than a list of body parts and awkward how-to instructions. A Woman’s Concern is here to equip you with knowledge for a future that is healthy and whole.
Your Whole Self is a holistic approach to decision-making in all areas of your life, including:
Knowledge is power. The more you know about yourself, the better you are able to take charge of your life and your decisions… AND the better you are able to care for your whole self.
We offer a wide range of weekly classes to help you gain the knowledge you need for a bright and beautiful tomorrow.
Our classes are inclusive, evidence-based, and backed by medical research and social science.
You’ll learn how your body works, practice self-care, and improve the way you relate to others. You’ll be empowered to own your own healthy choices, because the choices you make today will impact your life both now and in the future. Where are YOU headed?
Your Whole Self classes will start where you are and help empower you to be the best that you can be… because you are important, and you are worth it!
In addition to the Your Whole Self program, we also have a program for schools and youth organizations called Empowered Youth. See below for details.
Our inclusive, evidence-based lessons help students feel empowered to set boundaries, respect other perspectives, understand media influences on their thinking, and set “now goals” for “later dreams.”
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