Is it safe to order the abortion pill online?Thinking about ordering the abortion pill online?

Even if you can order the abortion pill online, should you? It might seem like the perfect solution—private with little hassle—but … is it?

Here are a few things you should think about before looking into ordering the abortion pill online:

As with any medical procedure, before taking the abortion pill, it is important to ask the right questions. This is a big decision and you deserve to have medically-accurate information.

Risks with ordering the abortion pill online

Medications found online are not usually regulated by the FDA. There may not be anyone making sure that the pills are safe or the right dosage, therefore they could be dangerous for you. The abortion pill (also called RU486) should be prescribed by a doctor.

Confirm Your Pregnancy

You still need to make sure that you are actually pregnant and to know how far along you are before you attempt to end the pregnancy. There is no point spending money on something you don’t need. More importantly, if your pregnancy is further along than you realize, the procedure could be dangerous.

FDA regulations require a woman to see a doctor before having the abortion pill prescribed and that the abortion pill must be taken within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Get an ultrasound

Before you spend money on a procedure that you may not need, it’s important to have an ultrasound exam to determine the viability of the pregnancy—verify that the pregnancy is in the uterus (where it should be), determine how far along you are in your pregnancy, and detect a fetal heartbeat. Many women do not know how far along they are without a doctor’s appointment and ultrasound.

Choose to Know



Confirm your pregnancy.



Know how far along you are.



Know the risks with this medication.

It is important that you receive information on all of your pregnancy options and our medical team can assist you with that. We are here as a resource of information to help you navigate your pregnancy decisions.

If you intend to have an abortion, our medical team will be able to discuss what abortion procedures and/or options are available to you based on how far along you are as determined by your ultrasound. They will go over possible risks or side effects, as well as answer any questions you may have.

Finally, our nurses always recommend having an STI test before any abortion procedure, due to the risk of pelvic infection.

Even if you are thinking about taking the abortion pill, there is always a risk that you will need a surgical abortion to complete the procedure. We can provide limited STI testing for you during your medical appointment at no cost to you.

What should I do next?

Choose to know all the information you need to understand about all of your options. It’s your health.

Remember that we are here for YOU. No cost. No judgment—just honest answers and accurate information.

Contact us at 717.394.1561 (option 1) or send us a confidential message.


This information is presented as an informational tool only. It is not intended to replace medical advice or care from a qualified medical provider.